Monday, March 28, 2011

could be a midlife issue

but were going to say it has to do with living at the beach and not that im getting older!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Kitchen sink!!

Well our disney passes expire on the 26th si we spent our 4 day weekend their. It is a bittersweet ending we had some good times but im excited for more beach time. We rode lots of rides and had icecream for dinner one night, this thing is called the kitchen sink it has 8 scoops of icecream anything else you can think of. And cost a low 25$! You can get it at the beach club resort, today is jays birthday so I thought id share the cards the girls made him.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

what do you do when you dont have snow days?

You go to work
you take kids to school
you take kids to the dentist
you go to the chiropractor (for headaches which by the way is helping)
and you go about your life and read lots of Blogs and Facebook postings about all the snow. And wish you still lived in Oklahoma where you got random snow days!!!
then you remember why you left.

would you want this or this?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

what have I been up to well lets see!!!

Since I have last Blogged, we havent been up to much just the same ol same ol, Christmas was good, We came to Oklahoma so Ill just post a bunch of photos to tell the story,we have started horse back ridding the girls love it. are disney pass go out at the end of the month and we are not going to renew this year i think we will take a break for a year or too you can only go so many time a year!!! anyway were a live and doing well hopeful to blog more this year I have been having some crazy thoughts lately about somethings Ill blog to let ya know how that goes I have decided that Im taking my whole family off of sugar and soda pop maybe the hardest thing I have ever done, and im going to cook better once i master this I think I will try to stop smoking again for the million time but it is time to get my family healthy...monica is getting braces she is not happy about this nor is my pocket book i may have to take up stripping to pay for it!!! any way that is all for now

Monday, November 29, 2010

Yes Im alive!!!

I have been so busy that I haven't really had time to blog...I also have been thinking about deleting my blog???? not sure anyway we went on a small vacation Monica got a solo in her  program at school JaySea learned how to tie her shoes I'm sure I could have taught her this sooner but she only ever wheres shoes that don't tie...(when she wares them)

I will be in Oklahoma on Christmas I cant wait I miss everyone so much I have sent invites to my friends on facebook but I'm going to eat at Teds so who ever wants to join me please feel free the date and time is December 28th @ 7:00 please just let me know so I know who all is coming. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


sometimes life goes by so fast I forget to take in the small things in life....but when I set back and think about it all I'm so very very blessed.... Jay has a temporary position at his job this news came at a bad time for us I had just cut my hours at work and it also meant that he would be making less. however we know it is only temporary. and will return to the other way come the first of the year. Monica is loving school this year!! (Thank You Lord)!!! she is making A's and B's (has one d in math 68.??) this school is really really hard or maybe it is just school these days. but she is doing math that I did in high school. Edmond is one of the best school districts in Oklahoma but the school we are at here in Florida Is in the top 3 in the whole state of Florida I read somewhere the other day that Edmond is talking about getting Smart boards this school has had them for 3 years. I'm not trying to brag on the school I'm just in shock how far behind Oklahoma seams to be in the education area!!! Anyway JaySea is reading and writing I'm amazed at how fast this takes off once it is started!!! they also tested her speech and she is going to start speech tomorrow she will go 2 times a week for 15min each time so just some advice if you think your children missaying words is cute don't encourage it.... or they will want to put them in speech when they go to school!! My work is going good I do love my job even more so since I'm only working part time!!! I work Tuesday - Friday I'm off everyday by 2:30 it is great. since I have moved to Florida I have lost 20 lbs!! but my pants don't fit any better!! I want to lose another 30 hopefully!! My in laws are coming out here next week then we are taking a Cruise to the Bahamas so excited. I'm so ready to come to Oklahoma to see everyone when I come in December it will have been a much of this is repeated? remember we have plenty of room so if you come to Florida please let us know we would love to see you!!!