so this is a program for hurting teens they can be hurting for so many reasons things from the boy who i like broke up with me to i cut myself because my father left when i was little. Really if you think back to your childhood church or no church you probley had things happen to you that you wished you could have talked about to someone other than your parents, I know i did i was always afraid i would hurt their feelings. Memorial Road will be offering this 13 week support group to teens age 11- 18 starting Feb. 22nd if your Teen or a teen you know could use this program please bring them it will be on Sunday's from 3-5. The Reason that iam so passionate about this program is because we had a pretty hard time with one of our neices from 13 until about 15( and still but has gotten much better she is 17 now) I wish their would have been something out their for her. if you have any questions about it please give me a call. here is some things i pulled off of the web site
Doug and I started Life Hurts God Heals at Saddleback Church because, sadly, our hurting kids had no place to go for life-changing support. We started with just a few students, but then word got out to the surrounding community, and it began to grow. Now we are looking for a bigger room! So we made it available for all of you. Since then, Life Hurts God Heals has sold nearly 7,000 copies to people and places all over the country. In the obvious places such as the church, but also the not-so-obvious places like juvenile treatment centers, residential homes and yes, even public schools.It's incredible to see it out there, but even more awesome to hear the stories coming in. like 16-year-old Michael, who has visited juvi more times than he can count. He showed up to lhgh an atheist addicted to meth, and left a young man believing in god and living sober (now, almost a year). Then there is 18-year-old courtney, who basically lived on the streets like a prostitute addicted to men and alcohol, who testifies that Life Hurts God Heas is "home" and has been sober for eight months.Here's the deal: Life Hurts God Heals works because teenagers and young adults get lifelong tools to help them through their pain. Having taught through the Life Hurts God Heals I am beyond excited to see how god is using Life Hurts God Heals in both christian and secular environments. It blows me away! But god does these things, doesn't he? We just show up and let god use us in the lives of hurting kids and mountains move.
co-author life hurts god heals
"I went to LHGH thinking maybe just maybe someone could help me cause the shrinks and anti-depressants weren't cutting it. And wow this whole experience so far has been amazing. My outlook on life has changed so much. I know I'm just beginning my road to becoming healed..." - Allie, 16
“I was addicted to porn since I was 9 years old. What started out as a curious “hobby” began to creep into the crevice of every area of my life. …like a drug that I had to use. Then I heard of this 8-step group called Life Hurts God Heals. I went and realized it was more than a program - it was a safe place to be…me. While there, I told my small group leaders about my addiction and that’s when my journey to healing started. We started applying the 8 steps to every aspect of my addiction and it helped me so much! Finally! – Carter, 16
“I showed up at Life Hurts-God Heals and God just kind of opened the doors. When other guys in my group opened up, I realized it was a safe place to be open too.” – Jon, 15
“The main reason I joined LHGH is because I never have accepted myself. I’ve always thought I wasn’t good enough. I would wonder why God put me here. To get away from the pain, I would eat. Now, I am in Life Hurts God Heals and receiving steps that I can actually apply to my life to help turn my bad choices into good ones.” – Steph, 18
“I don’t know about you, but my life hurts. I needed help and Life Hurts God Heals gave me that help through other people’s support and openness. I am on my way!” – Paul, 17
“I joined life hurts God Heals because I got kicked out and had to live with my dad and I just wanted to start over…now I have new friends from LHGH who understand and steps to help me when I want to blow it.” – Theresa, 14
“I had the “perfect” family but then realized that what we looked like on the outside was not what we were on the inside. I found out I was bipolar and ended up being sent away for three years for my problems…eating disorder, drugs, sex, Satanism, suicide…you name it. While I was away, my parents started to radically change for the better and told me I had to try out LHGH when I returned home. So I did. At first the God stuff killed me. I hated it. But then I realized that the leaders were real people with a real relationship with God and I ended up liking what LHGH was all about. I am still figuring it all out, but LHGH was a cool place to start.” - Danelle, 17