Saturday, January 24, 2009

The O'Neal's At Sea!!!

we will be boarding our ship in 3 in a half hours...... we will miss you all!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


so this is a program for hurting teens they can be hurting for so many reasons things from the boy who i like broke up with me to i cut myself because my father left when i was little. Really if you think back to your childhood church or no church you probley had things happen to you that you wished you could have talked about to someone other than your parents, I know i did i was always afraid i would hurt their feelings. Memorial Road will be offering this 13 week support group to teens age 11- 18 starting Feb. 22nd if your Teen or a teen you know could use this program please bring them it will be on Sunday's from 3-5. The Reason that iam so passionate about this program is because we had a pretty hard time with one of our neices from 13 until about 15( and still but has gotten much better she is 17 now) I wish their would have been something out their for her. if you have any questions about it please give me a call. here is some things i pulled off of the web site

Doug and I started Life Hurts God Heals at Saddleback Church because, sadly, our hurting kids had no place to go for life-changing support. We started with just a few students, but then word got out to the surrounding community, and it began to grow. Now we are looking for a bigger room! So we made it available for all of you. Since then, Life Hurts God Heals has sold nearly 7,000 copies to people and places all over the country. In the obvious places such as the church, but also the not-so-obvious places like juvenile treatment centers, residential homes and yes, even public schools.It's incredible to see it out there, but even more awesome to hear the stories coming in. like 16-year-old Michael, who has visited juvi more times than he can count. He showed up to lhgh an atheist addicted to meth, and left a young man believing in god and living sober (now, almost a year). Then there is 18-year-old courtney, who basically lived on the streets like a prostitute addicted to men and alcohol, who testifies that Life Hurts God Heas is "home" and has been sober for eight months.Here's the deal: Life Hurts God Heals works because teenagers and young adults get lifelong tools to help them through their pain. Having taught through the Life Hurts God Heals I am beyond excited to see how god is using Life Hurts God Heals in both christian and secular environments. It blows me away! But god does these things, doesn't he? We just show up and let god use us in the lives of hurting kids and mountains move.
co-author life hurts god heals

"I went to LHGH thinking maybe just maybe someone could help me cause the shrinks and anti-depressants weren't cutting it. And wow this whole experience so far has been amazing. My outlook on life has changed so much. I know I'm just beginning my road to becoming healed..." - Allie, 16

“I was addicted to porn since I was 9 years old. What started out as a curious “hobby” began to creep into the crevice of every area of my life. …like a drug that I had to use. Then I heard of this 8-step group called Life Hurts God Heals. I went and realized it was more than a program - it was a safe place to be…me. While there, I told my small group leaders about my addiction and that’s when my journey to healing started. We started applying the 8 steps to every aspect of my addiction and it helped me so much! Finally! – Carter, 16

“I showed up at Life Hurts-God Heals and God just kind of opened the doors. When other guys in my group opened up, I realized it was a safe place to be open too.” – Jon, 15

“The main reason I joined LHGH is because I never have accepted myself. I’ve always thought I wasn’t good enough. I would wonder why God put me here. To get away from the pain, I would eat. Now, I am in Life Hurts God Heals and receiving steps that I can actually apply to my life to help turn my bad choices into good ones.” – Steph, 18

“I don’t know about you, but my life hurts. I needed help and Life Hurts God Heals gave me that help through other people’s support and openness. I am on my way!” – Paul, 17
“I joined life hurts God Heals because I got kicked out and had to live with my dad and I just wanted to start over…now I have new friends from LHGH who understand and steps to help me when I want to blow it.” – Theresa, 14

“I had the “perfect” family but then realized that what we looked like on the outside was not what we were on the inside. I found out I was bipolar and ended up being sent away for three years for my problems…eating disorder, drugs, sex, Satanism, suicide…you name it. While I was away, my parents started to radically change for the better and told me I had to try out LHGH when I returned home. So I did. At first the God stuff killed me. I hated it. But then I realized that the leaders were real people with a real relationship with God and I ended up liking what LHGH was all about. I am still figuring it all out, but LHGH was a cool place to start.” - Danelle, 17

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Hope in Celebrate Recovery!!!!

okay i know i have not posted in along time... but I've been busy as you know I'm very involved in Celebrate Recovery I love this program I have found lots of healing their here's the funny part its not just for people who have drug addictions! hum go figure anyway we will be starting a group kinda like this for teens in Feb. If only i would have had a program like this growing up it would have saved me alot of hurt that's not the point of this post the point is I wanted to share my story with those of you who do not attend CR. so here it is I hope that you find it encouraging....

My Hope In Celebrate Recovery
My Name is Rebecka O’Neal I’m a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I ‘am an adult survivor of rape, a childhood survivor of sexual abuse. I struggle with anger, resentment, a need to control and a nicotine addiction, I Celebrate Recovery in offering Forgiveness to those who have hurt me and asking those I have hurt to forgive me.
When I first started coming to CR it was for one thing I wanted to share my story with others and how I had overcome things in my past. Little did I know I had a lot more overcoming to do than I realized. My childhood was what I would have referred to as normal but looking back it’s just a matter of what level of dysfunction we were in at the time. through out my childhood I was abused by a great uncle a cousin and my half brother these were all things that happened that I would really not deal with until becoming a adult. when I was a senior in high school I was ready to start my life The one that I would control, I had even met a boy who I was pretty sure was the one. Things started to go downhill. I believe that god places people in our lives for reasons we may not understand at the time. The months that followed were emotionally draining the death of my grandmother and Father sent my mother’s depression in a downhill spin. This started the Grief and anger I still sometimes fill, I still struggle with the lost of my father this is something I have only recently identified. Coming to CR has given me a relationship with a father that can never be taken away from me. It also gives me hope that one day I will see my earthly father in heaven. Shortly after the death of my father. I started my life with that boy I told you I was sure was the one turns out I was right. In October of 1998 our home was broken into. Jay was at work and I was at home alone. I was awakened in the middle of the night being suffocated by a stranger. I remember during the attack praying to a god that I felt I was than less than worthy of receiving answered prayers from. Well he did hear my prayers and he spared my life. For this I felt grateful, the next seven years just went by every once in awhile I would call the osbi agent and ask for a update I was pretty sure I was not going to settle as just another victim with nothing ever happening. In January of 2005 I received a phone call from the osbi saying that they had made a match to the dna that was removed from the scene. Being that it was 7 years after the fact it opened up a whole new can of worms that I thought was long buried. After my attacker was arrested I had to attending court proceedings it was during this time that I had started going to church and was in a bible study on the book of Romans. I started thinking that if I wanted to be forgiven that I need to forgive the people who had hurt me. I was not sure how I was going to do that I was pretty sure it was going to be hard but I was willing to give it a try. At church on Sunday mornings they were doing a sermon series on recovery. At first I thought that maybe I could come there and share my story with others who had also been abused. In October 2006, I was able to read a letter to my attacker on the witness stand 8 years to the exact day of my attack. when I wrote the letter I had not completely forgiven him but I was ready to start one of the things that I have learned at CR is that holding on to grudges and resentments has caused me more pain than the things that have happened in my life. The day after the court hearing I started CR. It was very scary coming hear the first night but after coming here I quickly realized that the people hear were just like me everyone in the room was hurting many for the same reasons that I was hurting. my second time here I remember someone coming up to me after small group and hugging me that meant a lot to me because she did not know me at all but she cared about me. It did not take long for me to realize this was where I needed to be if I wanted to offer forgiveness to those who had hurt me. The step that has helped me the most in recovery has been the personal inventory and writing my testimony… step four helped me realize I had other issues that I needed to work on for me before I could help others, sharing my Testimony has given me hope that I can help others who may be struggling with the same things as me. Since being in recovery I have been in two step-studies once as a participant and once as a leader this is a important part of CR it helps you to identify all your issues and get to the bottom of things it also helps you develop a support system. The ladies that have been in these groups have forever changed my life, I have a friendship with each of them on some level and will cherish them always. I love coming to CR I love watching the people who have came after me grow so much in their relationships with Christ they are truly a inspiration to all. Everyone in this room is truly a part of my family I know I can take off my mask and be myself when I’m here and I know longer have to be alone. October is no longer a month in which I fill depressed it’s the month I’ am the happiest and fill the strongest whenever I got my one year chip it was a great night I shared my testimony it was the first time I felt that I had truly overcome this chapter in my life the filling of overcoming is a powerful filling I’m positive that I did not do this alone everything I am today is because of god and the family and friends I have found in Cr. If you would have met me 2 years ago you may not have wanted to be my friend I was angry hurting and had walls that were so high you needed a ladder to see over. Today I’m more open less angry and lot more friendly and you don’t have to bring a ladder along with you. Dealing with my mother’s depression has also gotten easier I no longer fill responsible for her happiness but for my own Cr has helped me in setting and keeping healthy boundaries with her and our relationship has only grown. In closing I would like to share my favorite step as well as few scriptures that I find encouraging
Step 9 ( for abuse Group reads)
We extended forgiveness to ourselves and to those who have harmed
us, realizing this is an attitude of the heart, not always confrontation.
We made direct amends to those we had harmed, except when to do so
would injure them or others. This sometimes is hard but I know that forgiveness is the right thing to do. Hebrew 13:6 says "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." 6So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"With god on my side I no longer have to live in fear of man I know that the lord will protect me and keep me safe. I am a survivor of a adult Rape and childhood sexual abuse I only recently started my introduction this way I felt as if Rape was such a harsh word and it is but I quickly found I was candy coating things for myself not the audience the truth is I’ am a survivor of Rape John 8:32 states Then you will know the Truth and the truth will set you free. and friends My chains are gone and I have been set free.