Friday, October 5, 2007


some of you may remember back in the winter when it was so cold jay lost his wedding ring i was very upset but not angry. the original ring belonged to my father who passed away in 1997 it was supposed to go to our oldest daughters husband. we just knew he had lost it in the snow. Wednesday i was cleaning out the cabinets the pans just always seam to be pushed to the back and i can never find the lids so i took everything out of the cabinet the shelve paper had gotten pushed to the back so i grabbed it and pulled it out when i did this i herd a noise i looked in the crock pot and guess what was in their. okay the only reason i can think of it in their is he made cookies the night he lost it and maybe it got caught on something and he didn't notice it come off the thing is i cleaned this house from top to bottom and looked places you would not think to look(except the cabinet) the other solution JaySea picked it up and stuck it in their and it just kept getting pushed back. well we bought another ring in Feb. after we decided we were not going to find it. i always sorta felt like it was in this house until June when the house was robbed because i thought it was in my closet somewhere and that was the place the robbers dumbed everything so i had given up hope... sorry to blog so long we are just excited to have it back.... here are the pictures of the rings the top photo is the replacement ring and the bottom one is the one that belonged to my dad you know the replacement ring never meant the same to me so i am very happy he has the original back

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